Monday, December 10, 2012

What to wear to a job interview

Picture this… You applied for a job recently and you get a phone call from the employer asking you to come in for an interview tomorrow afternoon. What is the first thing most people would think? Well for me it is, "What in the world I should wear?"

You want to make a good first impression. Your goal is to not look so done-up. You want to look professional. You want to come off as the type of person that is ready to work, but you also have standards for yourself by dressing nicely. In today’s world it is important to have knowledge of what you want to do, but also your appearance is a must.

Some people may disagree. If you go to school and your teacher walks into the classroom wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt you are possibly going to think it is a joke. Or better yet, if you already have a job and your boss comes to work in a mini-skirt and a shirt that barely covers their stomach you will probably not be taking them serious at all. Each job has different outfit attire that you should wear. But what to wear at the interview is a totally different story.

It does not matter if the place you are applying to is not formal, you should always look your best a job interview. Let’s say you and the other person at the job interview has the same knowledge that applies to the job, but you are wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and your component is wearing professional looking attire; chances are they are going to get the job instead of you. You do not want to dress like a slob. It does not matter if you are going to a job interview for a mechanic, since most mechanics have a set uniform; you ALWAYS want to look your best.

Style expert, Kim Johnson Gross, said "The first impression you make is the most vital, and it's made within seconds. So make those seconds count." If you really do not know what to wear she insists that you call the company and ask what the dress code is. "You can't go wrong wearing a classic suit in a neutral color, such as grey or a dark navy blue." Obviously if you are going to a job interview at a grocery store you are not going to wear a suit, she is clearly giving advice to someone who is going to a job interview at a professional place. 

Everyone has atleast heard the term 'dress for success' atleast once in their life. Even if it seems like a little saying it really is a big saying for an interview. If you have never heard this before it means what it clearly says. You are dressing to be successful, not just because you want to look better than everyone else. In this article,, it gives great tips for teenagers on how to ace an interview! Dressing nice is the first one on the list.

Even though Kim Johnson Gross said 'you can never go wrong wearing a classic suit' does not mean you HAVE to wear a suit. In some circumstances the employer may get bored seeing people always coming in wearing the same looking suit. Wearing a nice black pair of dress pants with a sweatervest can be appropriate. Thad Peterson, Monster Staff Writer, wrote great advice for people going to job interviews for any type of job! If you want to read more about his article, click this link

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