Monday, December 10, 2012

Stay Strong ~

Imagine if your last day on Earth was caused by being bullied to the point of suicide. How are your loved ones going to feel? Unquestionably, they are going to be heartbroken. Not only is it you suffering, but it also majorly effects everyone around you. Whether it is physical, verbal, or cyber bullying it still hurts. Not one person deserves to be bullied, ever. 
                A person shouldn’t think they are alone. Even celebrities have been bullied. Singer-songwriter Demi Lovato was once a victim. “Stay Strong” is her advice for people who are going through, or once gone through bullying. Lovato went to rehab after self-harming. After her treatment, she came out as strong and beautiful than before. She started off her career with Barney and Friends, and now she is a judge on The X Factor.
                Bullying is getting worse every day. It seems as if it occurs most on school grounds. According to, 160,000 students stay home from school because of their fear of being bullied. It also states that 43% of students fear harassment in the school bathroom. In a recent poll, teens between the ages of 12-17 shared that they think violence increased at their schools. Shouldn’t school be a safe environment, not a place of distress?
                There will certainly be disputes between kids, but to bully someone on a daily basis is brutal. It affects them the rest of their lives, even if they were bullied as a child. If you see someone getting bullied, don’t be a bystander. Speak up and try to stop it. Let’s bring the bullying statistics down instead of having them rise.

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